tomi tomato now

Letztes Wochenende habe ich Legoland besucht. Dies ist ein Vergnügungspark im Norden von San Diego und vorallem für Kinder gemacht. Aber auch für Erwachsene gibt es erstaunliches zu entdecken und zu sehen. Es ist unvorstellbar was alles mit Legosteinen gebaut werden kann. Vom kleinen Hund über ein mittelgrosses Schiff bis hin zum Wolkenkratzer gibt es alles im Legoland. Daneben hat es auch noch zwei, drei Bahnen die für ein wenig Speed sorgen. Die Summe sämtlicher verbauter Legosteine beträgt sage und schreibe 16 Millionen Stück! Ein Team arbeitete daran 3 Jahre um sämtliche Figuren und Animationen fertigzustellen. Würde eine einzelne Person dies tun, würde das ganze 37 Jahre in Anspruch nehmen. Der Ausflug war interessant und lustig, ich denke aber nicht, dass ich nochmals dort hin gehen würde. Nebst diesem Ausflug ist nichts wirklich interessantes oder weltbewegendes passiert. Es gab einmal mehr ein Feuer in einem Nachtclub wo um die 90 Personen verbrannten. Leider passiert dies ziemlich häufig in den letzten Wochen in den USA.

Ausserdem war ich noch kurz krank. Habe tatsächlich eine leichte Verkältung eingefangen die mich zwang letzten Freitag der Schule fernzubleiben und mich in meinem geliebten Bettchen zu verstecken.

Nun mache ich mich auf den Weg um fein chinesisch Essen zu gehen und danach noch einen Film im Kino zu schauen. Solltet ihr betreffend Filmkritiken Fragen haben, lasst es mich wissen. Normalerweise gehe ich ein- bis zweimal pro Woche einen Film im Kino schauen und habe daher ziemlich viele in den letzten zwei Monaten gesehen.

Hasta luego!


Legoland is situated in Carlsbad about 30 minuts from La Jolla by car using freeway 5 north. It is an amazing place for not only for kids also for parents or people like me and Tiger. Last Saturday we went to this place to see what exactely they have built there with all the colorful bricks made from plastic.

22.02.2003; 13:26

Always the first important place in an american amusing parc is the enormous parking for the cars. That's also the first point you have to take out your wallet and to pay the first few dollars. In the case of Legoland it was 7$ we had to pay for the parking lot. Imagine how much money they make only by renting this places for one day. Imazing!!!

22.02.2003; 13:34

This is the main entrance you have to pass to enter Legoland. The bricks here are over dimension but still real in their use.

22.02.2003; 13:36

It's absolutely great what you can build with all the Lego bricks. Within the following pictures you have some examples what is possible. From my point of view, almost everything is possible to build by Lego bricks.

Such things as giraffes......

22.02.2003; 13:51

....even rollercoaster! Forget Magic Mountain if you have ever been in Legoland. What you can find there is the real challenge:-))

22.02.2003; 13:57

However, there are a few brave guys left where are taking this challenge to ride this mother of all rollercoaster all over the world!

And here they are!!! Tiger & Tomi Tomato!!!

Forget the little kid behind the two of us. It is only a photo montage to keep your blood pressure down.

22.02.2003; 14:08

First the cars of the rollercoaster are climbing in a dizziness high......

22.02.2003; 14:08 fall suddenly down about thousand of meters in an absolutly high-speed! Not many passengers survive this procedere. Only the really brave and hard ones.

22.02.2003; 14:08

You see on this picture that the speed must be at least mach 3 or more!

22.02.2003; 14:10

They show also how the Lego bricks are produced by using this machines.

22.02.2003; 14:37

As I already mentioned befor it is amazing and fascinatingly what you can build by using Legos. Here some mexican musician.....

22.02.2003; 14:41

.....a retired man sitting on a bank to enjoy his nap....

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....NY police mens controlling suspicious koreans.....

22.02.2003; 14:43

.....sheeps on the grazing land.....

22.02.2003; 14:51

....wolfs hunting some other animals.....

22.02.2003; 15:10

.....hmmmmm, okay you got me! This boats are not made by Lego but you can sit in them and enjoy a ride through a fantasy land.

22.02.2003; 15:11

Hänsel and Gretel.....

22.02.2003; 15:12

..... no idea who this guy exactely is but he is looking like a guy from another fairy tale.

22.02.2003; 15:13

The most fascinating part is the one with all the houses in miniature. There you can find whole cities, famous buildings, Streets, Water and a lot of other great copies.

22.02.2003; 15:22

On the following pictures you can see some impressions from this part of the parc.

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New York City.......

22.02.2003; 15:27

...Tower in New York.....

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...the Taj Mahal.....

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.....again New York form the other side of the lake.

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Even the smallest details are showed. Like this father carrying his baby on the shoulder or the dog biting the punk in his food.

22.02.2003; 15:34

San Francisco with the world famous tram...

22.02.2003; 15:35

....or Legowood a place next to Hollywood.

22.02.2003; 15.36

Beside the different animation places for kids are also some Lego bricks available to build what ever your heart wants. I decided to built a tower taller than Tiger. On this picture you can see the evidence that I did it!

While I builded my tower, Tiger builded also something really difficult.....

22.02.2003; 15:56

.... WOW, isn't great? To built this five ducks he needed only about 20 minuts! He is so gifted.

22.02.2003; 15:56

Greetings from StarWars.

22.02.2003; 16:00

Last but not least the price for the pleasure! The one-day pass cost 41.95$ for an adult or 34.95$ for a kid. If you go with your five head family and one car you spend almost 200$ only for the entrance and the car lot. No food, no drink, no nada! Quite expensive I think.

22.02.2003; 16:01

  The currently week will be more stressful because we have already wednesday and thursday new test exams. Hope I will do a good test and my score will be higher than at the last test exam.