tomi tomato now

Willkommen zu meinem letzten regelmässigen Update! Die Schule ist nun definitiv vorbei. Die Prüfungen sind abgelegt und mein Gefühl betreffend den Prüfungen ist nicht allzu schlecht. Ich denke mir mal, dass ich zumindest bestanden habe. Die Frage ist nun nur noch wie gut oder wie schlecht. Das Resultat von Cambridge wird dann wohl auch mein allerletzter Update in Zusammenhang mit meinem USA Aufenthalt sein. Sämtliche Tests sind nun nach Cambridge, England geschickt worden, wo sie ausgewertet werden. Immerhin nahmen rund 35'000 Teilnehmer weltweit an diesem Test teil und aus diesem Grund dauert das ganze etwa zwei Monate. Danach kommen die Tests wieder hier in die Staaten um dann von hier wieder zurück nach Europa geschickt zu werden. Ein wenig kompliziert aber so ist nun mal der Lauf der Dinge:-)

Es war eine intensive, schöne und vorallem unbezahlbare Lebenserfahrung die ich hier machen durfte. Die Schule kann ich JEDEM weiter empfehlen. Solltet ihr Fragen betreffend einem USA Aufenthalt, der Schule oder sonstwas haben -> just ask!

Die Prüfung mussten wir in der LSI Schule in Downtown ablegen. Im Vergleich zu unserer Schule hat mich das ganze an eine Militär Ausbildungs Basis erinnert! Wie schon einmal erwähnt, unsere Schule kann ich bestens weiter empfehlen. Die Lehrer sind alle nett, hilfsbereit und gut geschult. Die meisten waren irgendwo im Ausland und haben daher einen gewissen Welt offenen Blick, was sicher von Vorteil ist.

Nebst dem Examen haben wir noch unsere Abschieds Party gefeiert. Zu diesem Anlass mieteten wir eine Strech Limo und sind vier Stunden darin rumgekurvt, haben Champagner bis zum Anschlag getrunken und sind zwischendurch noch in einem brasilianischen Restaurant Nachtessen gegangen. Es war ein feucht-fröhlicher Abschied der wohl jeder und jede genossen hat.

Unglücklicherweise hat Mr. Bush nun definitiv zum Krieg aufgerufen. Hier meine Empfehlung an beide Parteien: Es möge sowohl Mr. Bush und Mr. Hussein von ihren Ämtern zurücktreten und ihr scheiss Kriegsspiel in irgendeinem Sandkasten austragen. Vielleicht könnte man Nordkoreas Ministerpräsidenten Kim Jong II ebenfalls dazu einladen und das ganze Drama mit hundert tausend Tonnen Sand beenden.


Friday morning, our big day! Walti and I had the interview downdown in the building from the LSI (Language School International) school at fifth avenue. So I went to Waltis house to pick him up for this important step in our school career. Walti lived at 4056 La Jolla Village Drive next to USCD, in the house from his hostmother Suzanne Lowrie. It was a sunny day and I waited in front of his house for him to appear.

14.03.2003; 08:23

Waltis luxuriantly car. The finest what korean car builder can deliver to you :-) It had no automatic windows but an air conditioning.

14.03.2003; 08:24

Our friend and helper. Actually, I had never a problem with them until now. As long you respect the law there is no reason why they should stop you or bother you in any way.

14.03.2003; 08:27

One of the most driven cars in california. A Ford Mustang. You see this car at every corner. Convertible, strong engine, weak engine, sportive accessoires, casual looking. The most powerful Mustang on the market is a V8 engine with 4.6 litre and 390 horse power. Needless to say that this car is one of the most amazing sport cars on the market.

14.03.2003; 08:27

The Hilton Hotel at La Jolla Village Drive.

14.03.2003; 08:28

Punctual like a swiss watch. Walti was ready to take our first exam step.

We were good prepared and we knew exactely what they could ask and what we had to answer. Even though we knew all this things we were still a little bit nervous and did some mistakes during the interview. However, in the overall view it was not that bad and afterwards we were definitely relaxed and ready to take the second step one day after.

14.03.2003; 08:30

On my way back at home I saw this car on the street. It is a Mercedes-Benz E55 AMG which costs about sFr. 140'000.--. They are not like sand at the beach but during my stay here I have seen at least six of them.

You can't imagine what cars you see here on the street! It is amazing and it keeps the adrenalin from every car fan on a high level! You see all but really all of the famous and expensive cars. There are Ferrari, Lamborghini , Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Mercedes, BMW, Lexus and many more of the worlds most expensive cars. The americans like to show what they have and there is nothing easier as to do it with your car. They sell here properties at the beach with prices between 15 to 25 million dollars. It is almost not possible to buy something under at least one million. Not at the beach.

14.03.2003; 11:09

Some other expensive or sportive cars, like this Rolly-Royce....

14.03.2003; 11:16, not really a car but my preferred bank in the USA.....

14.03.2003; 11:19

.... a BMW Z8. By the way, I have seen the new Z4 already two months before. In europe the car is not even released.

14.03.2003; 11:21

The people who live here have definitely other problems than money. Let my find this tiny dog named Minnie and I am about 1'000$ richer.

14.03.2003; 14:03

Cars, cars and cars. Mercedes is really common here. It looks good if you can afford a Benz.

14.03.2003; 14:04

Only a Porsche Boxter. It must be almost a shame for the owner to drive around with this car. This car looks between the other ones just like a toy for kids.

14.03.2003; 14:04

The gorgeous view from Prospect street to the sea. 10 seconds from our school.

14.03.2003; 15:51

After our tough exam during the entire day, we rented this black strech limo in the night to celebrate the end from our school days.

15.03.2003; 19:08

They told us that the car has place for ten people, but actually there is only enough space for nine normal european adults. Maybe for ten asian people it would be space enough. However, we enjoyed our ride in this car. Special with all the champagne we drunk during the night

15.03.2003; 19:08

The limo was well equipped and we had everything we needed to enjoy this great ending of our school.

15.03.2003; 19:08

Ruth, Pascal, Nicola, Mirco, Walter, Marcel and Marco. (from left to right)

15.03.2003; 19:23


15.03.2003; 19:24

The Coronado hotel.

15.03.2003; 20:04

Pascal, Ruth, Carola, Sarah, Mirco and Marco. (from left to right)

15.03.2003; 20:05

The brazilian restaurant in downtown. It's a churrascaria. They bring you as long as you want different meat. It is very delicious but the real churrascarias in brazil are even better!

15.03.2003; 21:33

Good food and a delightful atmosphere in this restaurant.

15.03.2003; 21:33

Sarah. (Sorry, I think my camera had a problem this time I took this picture!)

15.03.2003; 21:36

Carola. (Sorry again, the problem must have been persist!)

15.03.2003; 21:36

Marco and Sarah.

15.03.2003; 21:41

Carola and Mirco. I am not quite sure anymore if this was not a table dance. At least Mircos face is mirroring some kind of happiness.

15.03.2003; 22:04

Mirco, Marcel, Sarah and Marco. (from left to right)

15.03.2003; 22:38

Last sunday night I was invited for a dinner in a friends house. Everyone had to bring something which he cooked by him- or herself. I think I was the only one who brought just some food I bouth before in VONS. What can I say, I am not a cook.

16.03.2003; 19:30

We were three nations. Korean, Japanese and Swiss.

16.03.2003; 19:30

Because the majority of us were asian, the food was most asian cuisine too. Absolutely delicious. It is a pity that we have not that much asian restaurants in switzerland. This ones we have are too expensive. I never ate sushi in Bern but here at least every week once.

16.03.2003; 19:44

The whole group expect the poor photographer.

16.03.2003; 19:47


16.03.2003; 19:48

After the dinner we went to a karaoke place. I have never seen something like this before. In the room was a small TV and a HiFi. Only our people were in this room to sing this ugly songs. This place had about ten rooms and every room was occupied. Most of them were asians. They really like this kind of spare time activity.

16.03.2003; 21:49

The karaoke place with the diffrent rooms.

16.03.2003; 21:53

I don't like karaoke nor singing. So I left the place after few minuts and went once more to the movies. Since I have arrived here, I saw about 15 to 20 movies. This is my absolute favorite spare time activity. I pay only 6.50$ per movie and can see every week a new one. It is a good way to improve the english skills and to have some fun in the same time.

17.03.2003; 00:11

Last monday morning I had to bring again some friends to the airport as I did two months before. Carola and Walter flew back to Switzerland.

17.03.2003; 05:59

What a nice couple:-)

17.03.2003; 06:02

That's what happend if you are 10 weeks in the USA. The shopping possibilities here are inexhaustibly and it's hard to buy nothing because the prices are really deep and the dollar course is still very good. This happend also to poor Carola then. Buying, shopping what ever she could.

17.03.2003; 06:20

One last picture together and then: Good-bye!

17.03.2003; 06:21

A typical american school bus. You see them always on the streets, on highways and freeways.

17.03.2003; 13:45

Coronado bridge. Coronado is a wonderful place in San Diego. There is one of the most beautiful beaches and the famous Coronado hotel situated. It was also Walters preferred place in San Diego. Here he spended a lovely weekend with his wife who visited him only for four days. Poor wife!

17.03.2003; 14:51

The bridge between Coronado and San Diego Downtown.

17.03.2003; 14:52

San Diego downtown as you can see it from Coronado bridge.

17.03.2003; 14:53

Los Angeles on the interstate 5 north. Meanwhile I realized that I am living in San Diego for some months. But always when I read this name it sounds really strange for me. Los Angeles??? That's a place in america somewhere at the west coast in california where all the stars are. For me it is still like a dream and I think it will not change. Los Angeles...... a wonderful name!

17.03.2003; 15:01

Monday the 17th of march was St. Patrick's Day. Almost everybody on the street had at least one peace of green clothes. I was the only one without any green. Kind of sad. But during the night I got some green beens and was wearing them until the early morning when I went back at home.

17.03.2003; 15:28


So that's it! My last regular update of my homepage. Tomorrow I will fly (escape) to mexico to improve there my spanish skills and to see what happend in the world from a safety distance.

Thank you very much for visiting my homepage during the last few weeks! I hope you found some pictures you liked and some text which was funny.

I will put some new pictures from mexico after I come back.

Wish you all the best and have a good time!

The editor.

Tomi Tomato

